Architects: Claudia Montedoro, Sebastian Benzoni, Andrea Filippucci, Lorenzo Gili, Gianluca Ricciolini
Project type: Competition
Year: 2021
Location: Fontevivo, Italia
Proposal for the Design Competition organized by the City of Fontevivo for the development of a project with a level of detail equal to that of a “Technical and Economic Feasibility Study” for the rehabilitation of the former Convent Church of Fontevivo.
An architectural design is structured to ensure daily use of the spaces.
The space of the nave is configured as a large multifunctional hall aimed at promoting the meeting and mutual exchange of the people who use it. Tables are placed in the center that can be moved and stored inside the chapels if necessary.The curtain walls around the perimeter have revolving doors and opaque panels alternating with transparent panels. The opaque panels will be doors that will sometimes open to storage spaces useful for holding objects (such as chairs, projectors, etc.), at other times they will open converting into support for objects to be displayed and configuring the central space of the nave into an exhibition path.
At the opening to the apse, sliding doors can occasionally determine the closure of the opening to achieve a twofold result: to give confidentiality to the meeting room in the apse area and to create a uniform support for the possible projection of images during events such as conferences, congresses, film screenings and whatnot.
The aisle is overlooked by the side chapels, small functional rooms that are accessed through revolving doors and inside which a cabinet, of the same depths and features as those in the central hall, is planned to be installed, equipped with storage spaces and folding panels that become tables. To ensure total intimacy to each individual room, the small passages between the chapels are closed with sliding doors that can be opened as needed by the users.
A platform, which connects to the staircase already present inside the building, is developed above the apse and the side chapels: in the apse area, being mostly a passage space, the platform lends itself to the performance of exhibition-type functions; as for the parts overlapping the chapels, a use is proposed that can be tied to that of the main nave, characterizing itself in one way or another depending on the activity carried out there.